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Unable to access resources?

PubMed - issue with fulltext access

Our users are currently experiencing issues with not gaining access to articles in fulltext when logged in with an PubMed account. A temporary solution to this issue is to visit PubMed without the university access url. To do this, google "PubMed" in a new browser window and visit the database from there. You can still access fulltext articles by installing Libkey Nomad or make your search via Google Scholar.

If you do not feel the need to have a PubMed account and wish to make your search for fulltext articles directly in PubMed, use the link in the library database list to get the correct university access URL. Then save your search results in another manner, for example in a Word table.


Problems accessing articles and databases.

Try emptying the cache in your webbrowser or test another browser.

Current issues with the library systems and services
