Harvard - Offical publications
How to reference official publications using Harvard referencing system.
What is considered an official publication?
Official publications are documents issued by the government or an official authority.
- Swedish Government Official Reports
- Propositions
- Committee reports
- Other official texts
- Publications from authorities and other organizations, for example reports, regulations, and press releases
Other aspects of official publications are laws, statutes and rulings, which are treated under a separate heading.
Printed source
The document abbreviation and number. (Year). Title. Place of publication: publishing ministry or department.
Electronic source
The document abbreviation and number. (Year). Title. [Electronic] Place of publication: publishing ministry or department. Available: URL [Date of access]
Textual reference
(Prop. 2009/10:170)
(SOU 2005:77)
(BFS 1996:55 KA2)
Active text reference
What can be seen from the committee directive from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Dir 2002:97) is that…
In the reference list
Proposition 2009/10:170. En enklare plan- och bygglag. [Electronic] Stockholm: Socialdepartementet. Available: http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/14/22/10/081017f1.pdf [2012-09-11]
SOU 2005:77. Får jag lov?: om planering och byggande : slutbetänkande. D. 2 [Electronic]. Stockholm: Socialdepartementet. Available: http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/05/06/66/ad41a5ce.pdf [2012-05-08]
BFS 1996:55 KA2 Boverkets föreskrifter om ändring av verkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd om certifiering av riksbehöriga kvalitetsansvariga. [Electronic]. Karlskrona: Boverket. Available: https://rinfo.boverket.se/KA/PDF/1996-55KA2.pdf [2012-05-08]
Dir 2002:97, Kommittédirektiv. Översyn av plan- och bygglagstiftningen. [Electronic]. Stockholm: Socialdepartementet. Available: http://www.regeringen.se/content/1/c6/14/22/24/e234a83c.pdf [2012-05-08]