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Step 1 - Plan your publishing

Step 2 - Time to publish

Step  3 - After publishing

Step 1 - Plan your publishing

Choose journal - Subject

In the databases below, you will get an overview of journals in different subject areas.

Ulrichsweb -  general information about journals e.g. regarding peer review process

Match Manuscript (WoS) - find a good journal through your manuscript (you need to create a free account)

Elsevier JournalFinder -  find a good journal through your abstract

Choose journal- Ranking

How journals are ranked, i.e. how much impact they have on a topic, can be an aspect to consider when choosing a journal.

Read more about journal ranking (The Jönköping University)

Helpful tools for journal ranking:
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - compare the ranking of the journals which is indexed in Web of Science. Remember to only compare the impact factor on journals in the same field. Read more about JCR

Master Journal List - A list of all journals indexed in Web of Science (WoS). You need an account in WoS to go further in the list and read about individual journals.

SCImago Journal and County Rank (SJCR) - A ranking service regarding journals indexed in Scopus. The ranking is mainly based on the Scopus indicator SCImage Journal Rank (SJR). Read more about SJCR

Chartered ABS Academic Journal Guide - a ranking guide for journals in the field of ​​economics.

The Norwegian List (The Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers) - ranking in different degrees of scientificity; level 1 (scientific) and level 2 (leading scientific within their field).

Choose journal - Open Access

Several research funders (for example Swedish Research Council) require publishing in Open Access journals. Some publishers also apply the opportunity to self archiving.

By publishing open access, your research results will be freely available, which provides maximum spread and visibility for your research. Furthermore, the Author Processing Charges (APC:s) are completely or partially paid by the library. 

Please notice that there are dubious journals with open access, apply source criticism and take help of the services below:

Publisher with favourable agreements for Open Access Agreements

SciFree - find out if the library will pay for open access publishing in a specific journal.  

BISON - helps you to find a suitable Open Access journal for your publication through  title and abstract.

UlrichsWeb - general information about journals e.g. regarding peer review process.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)-  a general database containing high quality and peer reviewed pure open access journals.

Sherpa Romeo - database with the publishers rules about copyright and self archiving.

Is the journal serious?

As a consequence of an increasing amount of open access publications, the number of questionable publishers and journals has risen. There are some common signs for these publishers:

  • Offers fast peer review (which in fact never takes place)
  • Websites that look serious. Most often, editorial boards and impact factors are included (both of which are based on false information).
  • Aggressive marketing through email.

To avoid accidentally publishing in a questionable journal, check out your journal in the databases below. Such listing indicates that the journal is credible.

On the website Beall's list, you can also see if the journal is suspected of being dubious.

Co-publish and authorship

Articles written by more than one author generally get more citations. University West can gain a great deal from international cooperations as well as from collaboration with other Swedish universities.

One of the main standards for publishing and authorship is Recommendations for the  Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholary work in Medical Journals. According to these rules, four requirements must be met in order to be classified as a co-author:

  • made clear and intellectual contributions to the project’s concept and design, or to the collation, analysis and interpretation of data.
  • written a draft of the article, or critically reviewed the draft in relation to intellectually important content.
  • given the article final approval prior to publication
  • agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

Publish book with Open Access

For you who intend to publish a book, you will find some suggestions of Open Access Publishers listed below:

Step 2 - Time to publish


Submit your correct affiliation. It must be written as follows:

  • Department of Engineering Science: University West 
    Department of Engineering Science 
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • Department of Health Sciences: University West 
    Department of Health Sciences 
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • School of Business, Economics and IT:University West 
    School of Business, Economics and IT 
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • Department of Social and Behavioural Studies:University West 
    Department of Social and Behavioural Studies
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • Study and Academic Support, Library and Educational Development: University West 
    Study and Academic Support, Library and Educational Development
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
  • University Administration: University West 
    University Administration
    SE-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden

If you are connected to more than one university – register both/all when you publish. Make sure that your published material is connected to you - please use an identification code e.g. an ORCID number or a ResearcherID.

Research Data

Research data is the material collected and generated by the researchers and is an important part of the research. The guideline is that research data should be published as open as possible, and as closed as necessary.

An increasing amount of funders request a data management plan to keep track on how research data in a specific project is used throughout the process and afterwards. 

By publishing collected research data, you create more opportunities for citations which might lead to new collaborations between researchers, nationally and internationally.

Do you need support when it comes to research data management? Please contact the Data Access Unit (DAU) at the University West through

STEP 3- After publication

Registration in DiVA

DiVA (the Digital Scientific Archive) is the publishing platform of University West and approximately 50 Swedish universities and other governmental agencies. 

University West librarians register your publications in DiVA. Please fill out this form and do not forget to submit relevant documentation i.e. conference proceedings, links etc.

We encourage you to self-archive if possible, however check the database Sherpa / Romeo for permission.

Registrations in DiVA will also be visible and searchable in the database SwePub, which is a common platform for research at Swedish universities.

Make your research visible

Communicating and making your research visible is almost as important as the research itself. It is only when the results are compared with other results that it is possible to determine if and how they can benefit others.

Attendance at many forums
Add your research and your profile on several different forums. Self-archiving is one way, another is to register on scientific publishing platforms, such as F1000Research.This provides an opportunity for more citations and partners. Your research is disseminated to a wider audience and can be measured through altmetrics.

Social media and networks
Feel free to use social media to participate, read, orient yourself and make your research known to the public. Examples of platforms are LinkedInTwitterInstagram and Facebook.

There are also social networks such ResearchGate and Academia that focus on researchers. Create a profile, follow others, write posts and ask questions. Remember to check what copyright you have if you want to upload your publications. 

When measuring the mention of an article in other media, it is called altmetrics, also called alternative measures. Compare this with bibliometrics (Hunt Library)that e.g. measures citations. Altmetry measures mentions in media such as news articles, tweets, Wikipedia and government investigations. The number of downloads of articles is also measured.

Tips for capturing your research with altmetrics:

  • Make sure that your material and everything connected to it has a so-called permanent identifier, such as DOI or ISBN.
  • Publish with open access.
  • Register for an ORCID number and keep it updated.
  • Carry out your research in, for example, social media by writing a popular science summary, comment or press release. This will make it easier for others to share if the discussion has already started.

