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Library card / account

If you are a registered distance learner at University West you also have access to the library services. If you want to request a book from our catalogue, just log in with your university username and password.

If you are enrolled as a distance learner and live in Sweden, aside from Trollhättan and Vänersborg, you can ask to get books sent to your home address. Remember, an overdue fee is charged according to library regulations for books which are not returned by the due date.

If you are an international distance learner, we encourage you to contact a library close to your location to borrow course literature.

When you send the books in return, you have to pay the return postage fees. Heavy or large books, for example the Swedish law book, will be sent as a package which will result in a larger return fee. If you are unsure of how large the book you want to lend is, check the number of pages via our library search or contact us for help. Remember to put enough stamps on your package otherwise you will have to make an additional payment to the post office and your loan period will be expired. You can find postage rates on PostNords webpage.

Search for and request books and articles

You can request books that you would like to have sent to your home address. Here's how to do it:

  1. Find the book you would like to request in the Library Search system.
  2. Click on "Access Options" and then "Reservera boken / Place a hold"
  3. Log in with your username and password.
  4. Click on "Confirm hold"
  5. Wait for an e-mail confirming that the book is ready to be picked up at the library. Reply to the e-mail and specify that you are a distance learner and would like the book sent to your home.

Certain materials cannot be borrowed, e.g. reference books. Journals may not be removed from the library either, but you are welcome to request copies of articles.

If you would like to search for articles, journals, e-books, etc. See our search guides.

Remember that,

if you live far from Trollhättan and want to make an interlibrary loan you should contact your public library. Interlibrary loan means that we borrow books we do not have from other libraries. If it is an article you need it is more advantageous to request it through the University West library.
