Research Data Management Support
For those who handle research data, support is available both at University West and at the national level.
Data Access Unit (DAU)
The University West's Data Access Unit (DAU) is a non-organizational, cross-disciplinary function working to provide service and support to researchers and doctoral students regarding research data in accordance with the FAIR principles.
The DAU consists of:
- Elisabeth Näverå (librarian, also chairman)
- Jenny Mårtensson (legal officer)
- Margareta Åkesson (archivist)
- Mats Lejon (system technician)
- Ulrika Hjelm (Grants officer)
Swedish National Data Service
The Swedish National Data Service (SND) is a consortium consisting of 9 universities in Sweden and run by the University of Gothenburg. In addition to this, there is a network linked to SND with 40 universities and other organisations including University West.
SND's task is to "support accessibility, preservation and reuse of research data and real-related material" (SND, 2022). Furthermore, SND runs Sweden's national research data catalog, DORIS, where researchers can describe and share their data.
SND educates universities and organizations about research data, and you will find more in-depth material on their web site.
Domain specialists
The consortium's nine universities has assigned domain specialists (DOSPs) in various research fields. They will support you as a researcher with regard to research data and act as a bridge between the research community, research groups, repositories and the local DAU units. Currently, there is DOSPs in the following areas;
- humanities
- social science
- public health science and epidemiology
- climate and environmental data
- sensitive data
- spatial data (geo-data, GIS data)
- materials science
- life sciences
- registry-based medical and other research
- interdisciplinary population-based research linked to registries and biobanks