We are now updating with several new databases
From the turn of the year, we have access to a number of new databases in areas such as education, sociology, social work, political science, criminology and linguistics.
In addition to ERIC, we now also have access to a database in education and educational sciences called the Education database. It covers literature on early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education.
If you want to search both databases at the same time, you can do so by searching for the Education collection in our database list.
Sociology source ultimate is replaced by the Sociology collection, which includes the database Sociological Abstracts. In the Sociology collection you will find literature in sociology, social work and related fields.
For those of you who are interested in the subject areas of political science, public policy and international relations, there is now also the Politics collection with a number of databases.
New databases by 2025
Criminology Collection
- Criminal justice database
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Abstracts Database
Education Collection
- Education database
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
Linguistics Collection
- Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
- Linguistics database
Politics Collection
- PAIS Index
- Policy File Index
- Political Science Database
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
Social Science Database
Sociology Collection
- Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
- Sociological Abstracts
- Social Services Abstracts
- Sociology database